An Amulet. A Ring. Your AI Assistant.

Preorder AmuRing

Secure your preorder today with just a $30 deposit.
Priced at $298.

Our Story

Watch our introductory video to learn why we created AmuRing.

The world's first dual form factor wearable AI companion.


Frequently asked questions about our product.

When can I expect delivery?

We estimate delivery to be in early 2025. However, the earlier you preorder, the sooner you will receive your AmuRing.

Do I necessarily need a cloud subscription to use AmuRing?

We have a free tier that comes with 1 week of cloud storage. If that is not enough, you can purchase a subscription for more storage. Or you can self-host your data.

Can I get a refund on my preorder deposit?

Yes, you can get a refund on your preorder deposit at any time. Just send us an email at

What benefits do I get for preordering?

The first 150 preorders will get 2 years of our Gold Tier service for free. This includes 24/7 support, 2 years of cloud storage, and more.

How much will AmuRing cost?

AmuRing will cost $298. However, you can reserve your AmuRing for just $30.

When will the code repository be made public?

When AmuRing is released, most of the code will be made public. Keeping our Open Core model in mind, the core of the software will be open source, but some features will be proprietary.

Is AmuRing FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software)?

AmuRing is based on the Open Core model. The core of the software will be open source, but some features will be proprietary.

How can we prevent people from being recorded without their consent?

We have a feature called "Discomfort Detection" that will alert the user if it detects that someone is uncomfortable with being recorded. e.g. if someone mentions that they don't want to be recorded, or if they are showing signs of discomfort. In addition, we have a feature called "Untraining", that will allow the user to untrain the AI from recognizing a specific person or group of people. And our "time machine" feature will allow the user to go back in time and delete any recordings that they no longer want.

What models can we use with AmuRing?

We are using GPT-4 for our default model. However, we will provide an ability to use other models as well.

Can I self host my server?


What are the offerrings of the cloud service?

We have 3 tiers of cloud service. The free tier includes 1 month of snapshots. The bronze tier includes 6 months of snapshots. The silver tier includes 12 months of snapshots. The gold tier includes lifetime of snapshots.

What do I do if these questions don't answer my question?

Write us an email at